TURA: Giving some flexibility to Covid protocols currently in place, the West Garo Hills District administration has decided to give permission for holding of meetings/trainings of locality development committees, clubs and associations and also for ceremonies and functions to be organized by any individual or organizations subject to a ceiling limit of 100 (hundred) attendees or one-third the capacity of hall or spaces, whichever is less.
In respect of private gatherings in residential areas, only 50 (fifty) persons or one-third of the capacity of such a residential premises, shall be allowed and that too only after receiving the assessment reports from the concerned Sector Executive Magistrate designated for Covid-19.
The statement also directed the event organizers to maintain a register for all attendees for contact tracing in case of need arises and strict adhering to social distancing norms and respiratory etiquettes as per the protocols laid down by the Health & Family Welfare department.