Tura, August 8: Tura MDC and BJP spokesperson, Bernard N Marak has written to the Chief Minister, Conrad Sangma seeking the setting up of a camp for Garo Khasi and other tribes who have been displaced due to the ongoing situation in Bangladesh.
“I want to request you to kindly set up a camp for the Garo, Khasi and other tribals entering India from Bangladesh and provide them rehabilitation on humanitarian ground. The crisis which rose in Bangladesh has caused loss to many innocent lives and those who are crossing over through the borders are taking the risk of being caught and shot,” said Bernard in his letter.
The BJP MDC felt those that have crossed should be identified and rehabilitated in camps.
“There are many tribals including Garos in Bangladesh and if they seek refuge in our state, they should be rehabilitated and deported back when the tension subsides,” felt Marak.
He pointed to the ‘Mahari’ system amongst Garos which he felt should be used to assist in identifying, rehabilitating and later on deporting the victims back to their country.
“All the Maharis have chatchis (clans) in Bangladesh and in this time of crisis, the victims should be rehabilitated rather than turning our back and leaving them out there to be tortured, ravaged and killed,” stated Bernard.